28 June 2023
From the Principal
ya pulinga
It’s hard to believe that we have already made it to the end of Term 2 – and what a productive term it has been! Our students have thrived in new and exciting learning opportunities across the school, and also represented LNPS at interschool events, including but not limited to:
- LiL – Yr 6 NITA education
- 1/2L and 1/2W excursion to the Marine Discovery Centre
- Yrs 5/6 Winter sports competition
- Yrs 3 - 6 Mathematics Challenge run by the Australian Maths Trust
- Yrs 3 - 6 Bike Education and the smoothie bike
- Yrs 3/4 Genius Hour presentations
- Yrs 5/6 visit from Constable Matthew
- Yrs 3 - 6 Cross Country and Interschool Cross Country events
- Launch of kunanyi club
- LNPS primary choir and School Captains representing and participating in the ANZAC Day ceremony
A huge thank you to staff and parents who supported our children throughout these school events – it really does take a community to raise a child.
As the end of term approaches rapidly, it’s fantastic to be able to welcome back family members of students in the P/1O, 3/4HB and 5/6C classes to this week’s whole school assembly. I’m looking forward to the chance to meet more members of the school community, join in the celebration of student work and present LNPS awards to students excelling in one or more of the school values of respect, responsibility and kindness. As the year progresses, our other classes will take their turn to share in assemblies, and parents of students in those classes will be invited to attend accordingly.
Last week we launched the kunanyi club for 2023. This group is led by Ros and Mrs K to support students who are First Nation and are eager to learn and share more about their culture. Whilst gathering in a yarning circle, students enthusiastically shared their language, culture, acknowledgements and Welcome to Country. We are excitedly anticipating the connections this group will forge and the impact they will make throughout the school.
On a sadder note, I advise that Bernadette Walker, our Education Facility Attendant, passed away suddenly at the weekend. We are deeply saddened by this news and our thoughts are with Bernadette’s family. Bernadette was an integral member of our EFA team for the past 17 years and will be sadly missed by staff and students.
We do trust that you will have a wonderful break and that you take time to relax and enjoy quality time with your families.
Frances Thorp
Assistant Principal
Upcoming Events
Date | Details |
Wed 28 June | 5/6 Winter Sport v Bellerive at Bellerive Primary (bus) |
Fri 30 June | Assembly 9:40am Prep to Year 6. Hosting class 5/6K. Classes presenting P/1O, 3/4HB, 5/6C |
Fri 7 July | Last day of Term 2 |
Tues 25 July | First day of Term 3 Tuesday 25 July is the first day for Term 3. Monday 24 July is a Professional Learning Day. |
Fri 28 July | Schools Tree Day - Various activities organised by the SRC |
Mon 7 – Tues 8 August | Year 5 Band Camp (for those students involved in the Year 5 Band Program) |
Mon 7 August | School Association Meeting, 6pm in the staffroom |
Fri 11 August | Year 6 Band Tour (for those students involved in the Year 6 Band Program) |
Fri 18 August | Assembly 9:40am Prep to Year 6. Hosting class 5/6C Classes presenting P/1W, 3/4H, 5/6H |
Thurs 24 August | Book Week Parade 9am |
Mon 4 Sept to Fri 15 September | Swimming and Water Safety Program – Years 3 - 6 |
Thurs 28 September | Year 3 – 6 Swimming Carnival, 9:30 – 2:30pm, Clarence Pool |
Fri 29 September | Assembly 9:40am Prep to Year 6. Hosting class 5/6H. Classes presenting 1/2L, 3/4S, 5/6K |
Mid-Year Reports
Mid-Year reports for Years 1 – 6 will be coming home on the last day of term, along with a copy of your child’s attendance up until Wednesday 28 June.
Please note that whilst Prep students will not receive a Mid-Year report, they will still receive a copy of their attendance.
We will be having an assembly at 9:40am this Friday, 30 June for Prep to Year 6. The hosting class is 5/6K and classes presenting items are P/1O, 3/4HB and 5/6C.
Next term we will be having two assemblies as below:
Friday 18 August | Assembly 9:40am Prep to Year 6. Class hosting is 5/6C. Classes presenting are P/1W, 3/4H, 5/6H |
Friday 29 September | Assembly 9:40am Prep to Year 6. Class hosting is 5/6H. Classes presenting are 1/2L, 3/4S, 5/6K |
Reconciliation Action Plan (R.A.P) at LNPS
This week we were excited to hold our first Reconciliation Action Plan (R.A.P) meeting. The room was full of energy as we discussed and generated plans for reconciliation in education at LNPS. Group members included both parent representatives and staff members.
Lindisfarne North Primary recognises that primary school education plays a significant role in shaping attitudes and understanding of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander histories, cultures and leads towards reconciliation. The purpose of the R.A.P working group is to ensure a shared and sustainable approach to developing, implementing and maintaining Aboriginal histories and cultures across the school.
Our vision for reconciliation at Lindisfarne North Primary is for all students to be part of a thriving community that is inclusive, acknowledges, understands and empathises with Tasmanian Aboriginal people, their histories and cultures, as part of a whole school movement towards reconciliation.
Our R.A.P working group will aim to meet twice a term and as needed. If you are interested in joining our R.A.P working group, please email either the office or myself, Frances.thorp@decyp.tas.gov.au – we would warmly welcome you!
Premier’s Reading Challenge
We have registered for the Premier’s Reading Challenge. The Premier’s Reading Challenge goes over 10 weeks where students are challenged to read at least 10 books – or as many as they can! Each student can set their own personal reading goal. The Challenge starts on 26 June and finishes on 1 September. Students who complete the challenge will receive some small prizes. If a student reads 25 books or over, they will get a new book to take home!
Book reviews
Students are also being encouraged to share what they have read with other students around the state. They can submit a book review at any time during the Challenge using this link: Book review online form. By submitting a book review, students go into the draw to win a $50 book voucher. There are 18 up for grabs!
Kinder Enrolments for 2024
If you reside in our school intake area, and your child will be attending Kindergarten at Lindisfarne North Primary School in 2024, (turning 5 years old during 2024) please complete a form at the office.
If you are new to the school and interested in having a tour, tours are conducted on a Monday afternoon. Please ring the office to make an appointment.
High School Intention Forms
High School Intention forms were sent home recently to students in Year 6. If you haven’t already done so, please return the form for your child to the office. Thank you.
Parking within the school grounds
Parking and driving of cars and other vehicles in and around the school grounds is a daily necessity, but also raises a number of safety and traffic issues.
Please note that the grassed area between the sealed visitor and staff carparks and De Bomfords Lane is not designated as a carpark and is not maintained as one. If you choose to park on the grassed area rather than in the sealed carparks, you do so at your own risk.
Uniform – Wet Weather
We are in need of some size 4 and 6 trackpants, if anyone is having a cleanout. Some navy leggings in size 4 and 6 would also be appreciated.
Other Notices
Clinic details:
Monday July 17 - Moonah (9 am - 3pm all-day, or half-day either 9 am - 12 pm or 1 pm - 3pm)
Tuesday July 18 - Kingston (9 am - 3pm all-day, or half-day either 9 am - 12 pm or 1 pm - 3pm)
Wednesday July 19 - Moonah (9 am - 3pm all-day, or half-day either 9 am - 12 pm or 1 pm - 3pm)
Thursday July 20 - Kingston (9 am - 3 pm)
Friday July 21 - Clarence (9 am - 3pm all-day, or half-day either 9 am - 12 pm or 1 pm - 3pm)
Click on the link below for more information about the clinics, and links to register.