12 February 2025
Welcome from our Principal
Hello and welcome to our first newsletter for 2025.
The students have all had a wonderful, positive start and we look forward to a great year.
We warmly welcome all new students and families to Lindisfarne North Primary School and trust that you will find our school a supportive community with a sharp focus on learning, inclusion and respect.
Please support us all to keep your children safe by completing all Validation Forms, Major Excursion, Aquatic Consent and ITC Agreements, returning as quickly as possible, especially those Grade 6 parents who have the upcoming camp in a few weeks.
If your child needs to have medications at school, or on camp, DECYP Administration of Medication requirements also need to be adhered to by completing the relevant forms, gaining a doctor or a pharmacist signature for prescribed medication and providing medication in original packaging to us. Thank you so much for supporting these procedures.
Please move carefully in and around the school grounds. To help students remain safe, it is appreciated if you only drop students off in the designated spaces and show care and patience when moving through the car park.
Students are supervised at school from 8:30am.
If you need to drop students off earlier than this, please contact Clarence City Council to arrange Before School Care. The Council also provides After School Care from 2:45pm to 6pm.
I would like to thank our Education Facility Attendants, Mel, Karen and Kelly for all of the work they have done, and continue to do, to make our school clean and safe.
Special thanks to our new permanent Groundsman, James, for the beautiful grounds and new line markings.
I would also like to thank our brand-new Administration team: Libby Ashlin, SBM; Erin Downham (Wed-Fri), Michelle Downham (Mon-Tues) and Tamara Grattidge (Thurs) for their hard work and resourcefulness in preparing the new year.
We sincerely thank and farewell Kim Woulleman, EFA, who has started a brand-new career. We wish her all the very best.
This year we have some new people joining our team:
Kelly Hyland | EFA - Cleaner |
James Tapp | EFA - Groundsman |
Michelle Downham Tamara Grattidge Erin Downham Libby Ashlin | Admin Team Admin Team Admin Team School Business Manager |
Again, welcome to the new school year and I look forward to meeting you or reacquainting myself with you during the year.
Kate Wilson
Launching Into Learning
Our Launching Into Learning Program will start this Friday 14 February with a Play and Learn Session from 9.00 - 10.30am in the Kindergarten with Mrs Hocking.
The LIL schedule for Term 1 is being prepared and will be distributed in the next few days.
School Athletic Carnival
Our school Athletic Carnival will be held on Thursday 9 March. We are in need of some parent help.
If you can assist, please leave your name and contact number at the school office. This carnival is for Years 3 – 6.
A carnival for Kinder - Year 2 will be held later in the year.
Communication via Seesaw
As in the past, this year we are using Seesaw to share and communicate with families digitally. It is a simple way for teachers and students to record and share what is happening in the classroom.
DECYP now have a centralised licence for Seesaw and we are still completing the final steps in the transition to the new version. When it is complete there will be a new QR code sent to you for your unique access. Thank you for your patience.
Seesaw gives students a place to document their learning, be creative and learn how to use technology. Your child will post to Seesaw to share their learning. At times, we will use Seesaw to send you messages and reminders between 8.30am – 4.00pm Monday – Friday. Seesaw posts are only shared within our class; you'll only see posts created by your child or teacher.
Levies for 2025 are:
- Kindergarten - $235
- Prep, Yr 1 and Yr 2 - $295
- Yr 3, 4 and 5 - $330
- Yr 6 - $385
DECYP have advised us to delay invoicing our 2025 levies until the end of March. You will then receive the invoices in the post. Flexible payment options are most definitely available. Please contact our friendly office staff to discuss.
Parent Help
Parents and grandparents are encouraged to help in the classroom. All volunteers and external providers must complete Safeguarding training before working with any students. Please go to: https://www.decyp.tas.gov.au/safe-children/safeguarding-children/safeguarding-training/ then click on the Safeguarding Training for volunteers link to watch a 15 minute video training module. Upon completion, please send your certificate of completion to the school office email address: lindisfarne.north.primary.admin@decyp.tas.gov.au
Naming belongings
Please ensure all belongings and other personal belongings are clearly named, including lunch boxes, drink bottles and items of clothing.
Smocks: Please ensure this is named and placed into our smock basket.
Library Bags: All children will need a named library bag before they can take books home from school.
Fruit Break: Children may bring a piece of fresh fruit or vegetable each day for our dedicated Fruit Break
Hats: Must be worn for outside play during Term 1 and Term 4
We enjoy celebrating every child, and birthdays are no exception. If you wish your child to bring a treat on their birthday, it needs to be individually wrapped and ingredients clearly marked to avoid consumption by students with associated
allergies. If your child has a particular food allergy, please bring a small supply of appropriate substitute foods that can be stored at school.
News from the School Association
Would you like to be more involved and engaged in our school?
The School Association is a great way to do that, as we work together as parents and carers with staff and the Principal to achieve shared outcomes for learners. Please contact Louisa directly to learn more on how you can get involved.